Last Updated: 10/12/20 | October 12th, 2020
Kristin Addis from Be My travel Muse writes our routine column on solo female travel. It’s an crucial topic I can’t adequately cover, so I brought in an professional to share her recommendations for other women travelers to assist cover the topics crucial as well as certain to them! She’s fantastic as well as knowledgeable. This month, we are starting the year off with a few of the typical myths people have about solo female travel!
Your partner believes it would be selfish of you to travel without him/her. Your parents are anxious for your safety. Your good friends want to opt for you however they are all hectic working on their careers. The mainstream media tells you the world is a frightening location for women. The bit voice in your head whispers concerns about loneliness to you.
Does any type of of this noise familiar?
Just like you, I had a great deal of misconceptions about traveling alone before I went overseas. I believed it may be dangerous, lonely, as well much work, or make people believe that I didn’t have any type of friends.
Plus, who wishes to see all these fantastic locations totally alone? It sounded like a non-option, at least at first.
Then I realized nobody had the time to opt for me, as well as I couldn’t wait any type of longer. I just had to go, or else I may never go.
So I went alone as well as discovered out that all of my assumptions about traveling solo were dead wrong. I wasn’t lonely, I didn’t end up kidnapped, and, in a great deal of ways, it was really method much better to travel by myself. The flexibility it afforded me, the method it grew my confidence as well as all of the new good friends I made were significant benefits that wouldn’t have occurred it I went with a group of friends.
So for everybody who believes that solo travel is lonely, dangerous, or boring, I am right here to debunk a few typical solo female travel myths to assist provide you the guts to get over your fears as well as go on an legendary solo adventure
Myth #1: Solo traveling indicates being lonely often.
The scariest thing about traveling by yourself is the believed that you may be alone for your entire vacation, right? who wishes to travel to the other side of the world only to have to be by herself while checking out the majestic red sunrise over Angkor Wat?
I was truly anxious about this before I started traveling solo. Thankfully, I pertained to discover that I made a lot more good friends in one week on the road than I had in a whole year back at home.
The finest thing about traveling solo is that you’re not the only one doing it. a lot more as well as a lot more women are thinking about the idea of solo traveling to be sensible these days, as well as I couldn’t believe exactly how it’s motivating to see so lots of other solo female travelers available traveling by themselves!
Thanks to the power of social network as well as the sharing economy, you can quickly join on the internet neighborhoods that are produced particularly for solo female travelers, where you can get as well as provide support, share your travel plans, as well as link with other like-minded solo female travelers.
I likewise discover that it’s simple to speak to as well as satisfy other travelers — they’re friendly people! I seldom felt alone during my years of traveling thanks to this.
Myth #2: Solo traveling is only for those who are single.
Before I started traveling as well as satisfying people with all type of different stories as well as backgrounds, I figured that if you’re traveling by yourself, it need to be since you don’t have a considerable other. people who have commitments like a household or partner don’t just go traveling on their own.
It need to indicate there’s a issue in the connection or that they’re escaping their commitments, right?
I pertained to discover that lots of people who are in connections travel alone, as well as for all type of reasons.
It might just be that they have different interests, something lots of connection professionals state is absolutely healthy. perhaps their partner can’t get time off from work, or perhaps both celebrations made a mindful decision to do some soul-searching on a solo adventure, even just for a part of the trip, as well as satisfy back up again.
Many solo travelers are single, however there are lots of a lot more who are in connections too.
Just since you’re not single doesn’t indicate you can’t have an remarkable trip by yourself.
Myth #3: You need to be extraordinarily take on to travel on your own.
A great deal of my good friends believed I was ultra take on as well as independent since I was going to travel alone. The sincere reality is that I was exceptionally afraid as well as overwhelmed with the concept of traveling solo up until I lastly just got on the airplane as well as went.
To concern what you don’t understand is just to be human. It’s in our nature.
Despite being terrified, I went anyway. later I laughed at exactly how afraid I had been, after I realized that getting around, satisfying new people, as well as discovering things to eat was all method much easier than I had ever believed it might be.
You don’t have to be sure of whatever as well as exceptionally courageous to go traveling on your own. Those things may come as a great benefit of traveling solo, however they don’t have to be prerequisites. The hardest part is getting on the plane. After that, it’s surprisingly simple to get around language barriers, figure out timetables, as well as have an adventure.
Plentyof locals speak at least some English, as well as Google Maps, translation apps, as well as cellphone connectivity have all made traveling so much much easier than it utilized to be.
Myth #4: You can’t be an introvert.
I utilized to quietly enjoy the TV in bars or wear my headphones in public locations to ensure that I wouldn’t have to speak to anyone. I utilized to feel quite paralyzed in a space with somebody with a strong personality. Basically, I was type of awkward.
But an extraordinary benefit of traveling by myself is that it has made me outgoing. even if you have difficulty starting a conversation, in a hostel typical room, possibilities are truly great that ultimately somebody will reach out to you as well as bring you into a conversation.
I recall that in the Philippines, a woman tapped me as well as asked where I’m from, as well as after chatting for a while, we ended up being good friends as well as hung out all week.
You will most likely likewise discover that after a few times approaching new people — which will be exceptionally nerve-wracking at very first — they will be so much a lot more open than you feared that it will be an motivating surprise. It’s so simple to begin a conversation by just asking somebody where they’re from or where they just came from.
I understand those are cliché, however they likewise work, as well as before you understand it, you have something to talk about.
It’s simple to develop up confidence around travelers — they’re just truly friendly people!
Myth #5: It’s hazardous to travel solo, particularly as a woman.
You’ve seen the movie, Taken, right? The one where Liam Neeson’s child gets kidnapped in Europe as well as he kicks major butt as well as rescues her?
Or what about Brokedown Palace, where Claire Danes gets thrown in Thai jail when a handsome complete stranger plants medications on her?
This is our picture of women traveling the world (thanks, Hollywood!). It’s no surprises that time as well as again, women are told that they must never travel solo!
First of all, neither of the protagonists in those motion pictures really was traveling solo. perhaps if they had been, they would have paused as well as listened to their voices of reason as well as stayed out of trouble.
Staying risk-free on the road is all about trusting your intuition, behaving abroad like you would at home.
Would you get incredibly drunk alone at a bar at home?
Would you walk around alone at night?
Talk to the locals at your guesthouse about what you must enjoy out for, as well as method typical sense. What kept you to life at house as well as keeps you to life on the road, too.
For a lot more information, security advice, as well as proof women can travel alone be sure to inspect out these blogs:
Young Adventuress
Alex in Wanderland
The Blonde Abroad
Somto Seeks
Be My travel Muse (me!)
Every day millions of women travel the world alone. It’s safe and doable, as well as you won’t end up in a ditch!
Myth #6: You will regularly get unwanted attention.
It occurred from cars and truck windows when I was walking house from institution at age 14, it occurred when I was getting into my cars and truck at a random gas station in the middle of nowhere in Nevada, as well as it occurs when I walk down the streets of new York City. often a partner was only a few steps away — it didn’t matter. Catcalls occur abroad as well as at home. They’re annoying, yes, however don’t let them keep you from having the remarkable solo trip you deserve.
The finest method to offer keeping that type of interest is to make sure you comprehend the modesty demands in the countries that you see as well as gown accordingly. Some women suggest using a wedding event band, however I discover that being extremely confident, looking people in the eye, as well as being respectfully assertive are all great methods to stand my ground as well.
While just being a female does open you up for catcalls as well as unwanted advances in some parts of the world, in lots of cases, though, it’s rather the opposite, as well as I’m treated with respect as well as kindness, especially since I’m a lady traveling on her own.
Myth #7: It’s method a lot more work since you have to do whatever yourself.
If you travel on your own, you will be making all a döntésekből.
Ez szintén a leginkább az utazási solo előnye. Ez azt jelzi, hogy nem kell előre terveznie, ha nem akarja, és sokkal inkább serendipitubb szórakozással rendelkezik, amelynek újdonsága, amelyre vágyakozunk, vágyakozunk. Nem kell aggódnia amiatt, hogy a másik ember szórakozik -e vagy sem, vagy aggódik -e azzal, hogy bármit megteszünk kettőért vagy sokkal több emberért.
Valójában minél sokkal inkább szóló utazom, annál sokkal többet fedezem fel, hogy az utazás megtervezése általában sokkal könnyebb, mint egy csoport tervezése. Csak pontosan azt kell megtennem, amit meg akarok csinálni, látom azokat a helyeket, amelyekben mások nem érdekelnek, és még a bűntudat nélkül is van „szabadnapja” az utazásom során!
A teljes rugalmasság előnye, miközben szóló utazás közben abszolút meghaladta a további lábmunkát, amelyet meg kellett tennem. Hasonlóképpen felfedeztem, hogy egyszerűen csak megkérdeztem egy jó barátot, hogy mely étterem vagy tevékenységek kedvelték, vagy a hostel pultnál dolgozó személyt. Nem olyan nehéz.
8. mítosz: Az utazási solo hatalmas, életmódosító döntés.
Nagyon sok ember kínál bármit is, és elindul a világ másik oldalára, egyirányú jegyével (itt magamról beszélek), ez azonban nem azt jelzi, hogy mindenki, aki utazik. Solo fejjel lefelé fordította az életét a Buy -ban.
Ugyanolyan alapvető lehet, mint egy hétvégi kirándulás egyedül egy újabb városba, egy kéthetes bátorságra egy meleg és trópusi helyen, ahol még soha nem voltál, vagy havonta szóló hátizsákos kirándulás Európában a félévek között. Nem feltétlenül kell jelentős üzletnek lennie, és valószínűleg ideális visszatér az életbe, ahogy korábban megértette, néhány új kalanddal, valamint egy kicsit sokkal nagyobb bizalommal.
Kiderült, hogy ellentétben azzal, amit mindenki (köztük én) gondolt, a solo utazás nem volt veszélyes, unalmas vagy magányos. Valójában ez volt az egyik leginkább társadalmi tevékenység, amit valaha kipróbáltam.
Végül felfedeztem, hogy ahelyett, hogy a solo bármilyen módon hátránya lenne, valóban hasznos volt, ha utaztam. Sokkal inkább a helyiek számára vágyakozott, és külön tapasztalatokat kellett kapnom, mivel valóban mindent elmondhatok, és ez valami, amit csak az egyéni utazók mondhatnak. Hatalmas előnye, hogy oda tudsz menni oda, amikor csak akarja, anélkül, hogy válaszolni kellene bármely másra.
Ennek oka van, hogy miért növekszik a népszerűség évről évre, igaz?
Ha az utazás az előnyökről, az új valóságban eltöltött időről, valamint a normál, mindennapi életből való eltérésről szól, akkor az utazó solo az, hogy ezeket az előnyöket a szteroidokra helyezzük. Adja meg egy próbálkozást, valamint te is felfedezheti, hogy a tévhitedről szóló tévhit.
Kristin Addis egy egyedülálló női utazási szakember, aki befolyásolja a nőket, hogy hiteles és kalandos módon is utazzanak a világon. Egy volt befektetési bankár, Kristin egyén több mint nyolc éve utazott a világon. Sokkal többet fedezhet fel a Be My Travel Muse -ban vagy az Instagram -on, valamint a Facebook -on.
Foglalja le utazását: Logisztikai ötletek és trükkök
Foglalja le a járatát
Keressen megfizethető repülést a Skyscanner felhasználásával. Ez az én preferált böngésző motorom, mivel keresi a webhelyeket és a légitársaságokat a világ minden tájáról, így mindig megérti, hogy a kő nem marad hátra.
Foglalja le szállását
Foglalhatja a hostelét a Hostelworld -nál. Ha a hostel kivételével valahol másutt szeretne maradni, használja a -ot, mivel azok következetesen visszatérnek a legolcsóbb áron a vendégházak és a szállodák számára.
Ne emlékezzen az utazási biztosításra
Az utazási biztosítási fedezet biztosítja Önt a betegség, a sérülés, a lopás és a lemondások ellen. Részletes biztonság a helyzetben, bármi rosszul fordul elő. Soha nem megyek utazásra nélküle, mivel a múltban sokszor kellett felhasználnom. A legmegfelelőbb szolgáltatást és az értéket nyújtó preferált vállalkozásom:
Biztonság (mindenki számára a legjobb)
Biztosítsa az utazásomat (a 70 év felettiek számára)
MedJet (extra evakuálási lefedettségért)
Készen áll az utazás lefoglalására?
Nézze meg az erőforrás -oldalamat a legjobb vállalkozás számára, amelyet utazás közben használhat. Felsorolom mindazokat, amelyeket utazom, amikor utazom. Ezek a legjobbak az osztályban, és nem tévedhet el az utazás során.